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Candle colors are chosen based on the reason for burning.  If you must burn a candle and have no colors available, White is a good substitute color for almost any purpose.


Abundance - Balance - Employment - Fertility - Finances - Fortune - Generousity - Growth - Happiness - Luck - Marriage - Money - Prosperity - Purification - Renewal - Success - Wealth


Change - Depression - Fidelity - Flexibility - Happiness - Harmony - Healing - Health - Impulsiveness - Magickal Power - Patience - Protection - Psychism - Sleep - Subconsciousness - Tranquility - Truth - Understanding - Wisdom


Ambition - Banishing - Concentration - Divination - Exorcism - Healing - Idealism - Magickal Power - Power - Protection - Psychism - Religion - Spirituality - Success - Sudden Changes - Tension - Wisdom


Action - Attraction - Communication - Confidence - Consciousness - Creativity - Divination - Eloquence - Finances - Health - Imagination - Inspiration - Intellect - Intuition - Luck - Money - Movement - Persuasion - Study - Sudden Changes - Understanding - Visualization - Travel


Affection - Compassion - Friendships - Honor - Love - Morality - Relaxation - Romance - Togetherness


Anger - Courage - Defense - Energy - Exorcism - Fear - Health - Laziness - Lust - Passion - Protection - Sex - Strength - Vigor - Willpower


Adaptability - Attraction - Encouragement - Energy - Happiness - Health - Luck - Power - Stimulation - Sudden Changes


Agriculture - Animals - Balance - Concentration - Finances - Home - Money - Neutrality - Psychism - Sorrow - Study


Peace - Protection - Purification - Sincerity - Truth


Banishing - Exorcism - Protection - Releasing - Reversing - Uncrossing


Astral Travel - Clairvoyance - Meditation - Neutrality - Psychism - Spell Weaving - Stability - Victory


Attraction - Divination - Finances - Fortune - Intuition - Luck - Money - Persuasion - Understanding


Mediation - Neutrality - Psychism - Stability - Victory

Astral Candle Colors:
BIRTHDATE 1/20 - 2/18 (Aquarius) Choose Blue or Green

BIRTHDATE 2/19 - 3/20 (Pisces) Choose White or Green

BIRTHDATE 3/21 - 4/19 (Aries) Choose White or Pink

BIRTHDATE 4/20 - 5/20 (Taurus) Choose Red or Yellow

BIRTHDATE 5/21 - 6/21 (Gemini) Choose Red or Blue

BIRTHDATE 6/22 - 7/22 (Cancer) Choose Green or Brown

BIRTHDATE 7/23 - 8/22 (Leo) Choose Red or Green

BIRTHDATE 8/23 - 9/22 (Virgo) Choose Gold or Black

BIRTHDATE 9/23 - 10/22 (Libra) Choose Black or Blue

BIRTHDATE 10/23 - 11/21 (Scorpio) Choose Brown or Black

BIRTHDATE 11/22 - 12/21 (Sagittarius) Choose Gold or Red

BIRTHDATE 12/22 - 1/19 (Capricorn) Choose Red or Brown
