Adder/Snake - wisdom, cunning, striking ability in defense
- facing down larger adversaries with unyielding courage
Bat - out only at night moving at great speed
- solitary, defensive when protecting it's young
Bee - works in cooperation and coordination
Blackbird - has
it's own distinctive song and sings for the joy of singing
Boar - cunning and ferocious; sly and agressive
- strength and potency; protection
Butterfly - carefree; yet able to defend itself against predators; able to camouflage
Cat - independent, competent; can fight its way out of a bad situation, but knows when it should retreat from
overwhelming odds
Cock - confident
Cow - loving; comfortable with others
Crane - dignity
- cunning and bold
Deer - shy, inconspicuous, swift
Dog - devotion
Dolphin - intelligence, communication
Dragon - knowledge, riches
Eagle - wisdom, longevity, quick to attack
Eel - quick, fluid
- intelligent, loving, playful
Frog - still, invisible, able to take large leaps
Hare/Rabbit - peaceful, defensive
Hawk - keen sight, swift to strike
Hedgehog - able to curl up with sticky spines to deter enemy
- slow and methodical; dignified
Horse - freedom, friendship, stamina, defense
Lizard - able to camoflage
itself; quick to move
Lynx - travels over any type of ground and any type of weather; playful
Mouse - shy,
Otter - playful, friendly, curious, enjoys life
Owl - knowledge, wisdom, protects itself with talons
and beak
Pig - ferocious when attacked; otherwise, peaceful and content
Rat - sly, invisible, silent
- intelligent, noisy when disturbed
Salmon - wise, magickal, will travel in rough water to get where it wants to go
Seagull - knows when to take advantage of a situation
Sow - unpredictable
Squirrel - diligent worker;
Swan - stately, beautiful, defensive
Turtle - slow, methodical, withdraws from danger
- links physical and spiritual realms
Wolf - cunning, intelligent, free, invisible
Wren - musical, joyous,
yet able to swoop down on intruders