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Esbats are Full Moon and New Moon Celebrations. Open and Close the rituals for the Full Moon and the New Moon using the Basic Ritual opening and closing on the Basic Ritual page.



After opening the ritual Say:

If tonight, O Moon,
Thou hast found us
In peaceful, happy rest,
May thy laving lustre leave us
Seven times still more blessed.

O Moon so fair,
May it be so,
As seasons come
And seasons go.

Say any prayers, do any spellwork, then close the ritual.




After opening the ritual Say:

Blessed are You, O Lord our God,
King of the Universe
Whose word created the heavens,
Whose breath created all that they contain.
Statutes and Seasons
He set for them,
That they should not deviate
From their assigned tasks.
Happily, gladly,
They do the will of their Creator,
Whose work is dependable.
To the Moon, He spoke:
Renew yourself,
Crown of glory
For those who were
Born in the womb,
Who also are destined
To be renewed and
To extol their Creator
For His glorious soverneity.
Blessed are You, Lord,
Who renews the months.
Peace be with You!
Peace be unto You!

Say any prayers, do any spellwork, then close the ritual.