Stand before the Altar. Ground yourself. Cross yourself.
While holding the Athame in your power hand, cast a circle as follows:
Face the East and Say:
In the name of the Father Almighty,
Face the South and Say:
In the name of the Glorious Son,
Turn toward the West and Say:
In the name of the Holy Spirit,
Turn toward the North and Say:
By the grace of the Three in One,
Turn toward the East and Say:
I cast this circle of sacred space.
Place the Athame on the Altar. Sprinkle some purification
incense on the burner. Annoint your forehead with purification oil. Ring the bell three times and say:
This is a time that is not a time,
In a place, that is
not a place,
On a day that is not a day - -
I stand at the threshold between the worlds,
Before the veil of mysteries.
Light the White Guardian Angel Candle and Say:
Universal Light, Circle Nigh,
Bring my Guardian Angel
Silver wings about me protect,
All negative energy they will deflect.
Guardian Angel, I call thee here,
vanquish any doubt or fear.
Together now, I work with thee,
As God wills, so mote it be.
Call the Archangels.
Light the Yellow Candle in the
East and Say:
Hail, Angelic Guardian of the East ---
Raphael is thy
Healer, protector, nourisher of all God's children
Angel of love, joy, and laughter ---
I ask thee to come
forth to join me in my rite and
To protect and guard this sacred space.
Light the Red Candle in the South and Say:
Hail, Angelic Guardian of the South ---
Michael is thy
Bringer of balance into the world,
Angel of justice, strength and protection ---
I ask thee to come forth
to join me in my rite and
To protect and guard this sacred space.
Light the Blue Candle in the West and Say:
Hail, Angelic Guardian of the West ---
Gabriel is thy
Bringer of transformation to the children of God,
Angel of resurrection, mercy and peace ---
I ask thee
to come forth to join me in my rite and
To protect and guard this sacred space.
Light the Green Candle in the North and Say:
Hail, Angelic Guardian of the North ---
Uriel is thy
Bringer of dreams and prophecy,
Angel of nature, psychism and instruction ---
I ask thee to come forth to
join me in my rite and
To protect and guard this sacred space.
Sprinkle some protection incense on the burner and say:
To Save, To shield,
To Surround the Hearth -
House, The Household,
This Eve, This Night,
and Every Night,
Every Single Night.
Light the Green Candle and say:
Blessed be God the Father
Whom by His Power and
Love created the universe,
And by sending some of his light to us, has made all mankind in His divine image and likeness.
Light the Yellow Candle and Say:
Blessed be the Son, Jesus Christ,
God's love made flesh
on earth,
Who came from the Father to show us the path
Leading into the Kingdom of Heaven and
Life everlasting
among the saints.
Light the White Candle and Say:
Blessed be the Holy Spirit,
Sent to us by the
grace of the Father
As promised by Jesus of Nazareth,
Santifying me and continuing to santify
All of God's
Sprinkle some offering incense on the burner and Say:
Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son,
And to the
Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning,
Is now and ever shall be,
World without end. Amen
Light the White Candle and Say:
Hail Sophia, filled with light, the Christ is with Thee, blessed art Thou among the Aeons, and blessed is the Liberator
of Thy light, Jesus.
Light the Red Candle and Say:
Holy Sophia, Mother of all gods,
pray to the light for us Thy children, now and in the hour of our death. Amen.
Light the Black Candle and Say:
God's Blessing be upon you now and forever.
Sprinkle some offering incense on the burner.
At this time, read any Psalms, say any Prayers or complete
any other workings, festivals or celebrations.
To Close the Ritual, Hold the Candle Snuffer over the Black
"Mother" Candle and Say:
In my deeds - In my words - In my wishes
In my reason
- And in the fulfilling of my desires,
Extinguish the Black Candle and hold the snuffer over the
Red "Mother" Candle and Say:
In my sleep - In my dreams - In my repose
In my thoughts
- In my heart and soul always,
Extinguish the Red Candle and hold the snuffer over the White
"Mother" Candle and Say:
May the Blessed Sophia and
The fragrant branch
of glory dwell forever.
Extinguish the White "Mother" Candle and hold the snuffer
over the White "Holy Spirit" Candle and Say:
In the eye of the Spirit who cleansed me, in friendship and
affection ---
Extinguish the White Candle and hold the snuffer over the
Yellow "Son" Candle and Say:
In the eye of the Son who died for me ---
Extinguish the Yellow Candle and hold the snuffer over the
Green "Father" Candle and Say:
In the eye of the Father who created me, ---
Extinguish the White Candle and Say:
Bestow upon me, fullness in my need ---
The affection
of God,
The smile of God,
The wisdom of God,
The grace of God,
And the will of God.
To do on the world
of three
As the angels and saints do in heaven;
Each shade and light ---
Each day and night,
Each time in
Bestow upon me Thy Spirit.
Dismiss the Archangels. Hold the snuffer over each candle,
say dismissal, snuff candle and continue until all are done.
At the Green Candle say:
Uriel, Angel of the North,
I thank you for your gifts
Nature, Psychism and Instruction.
Go if you must, Stay if you please,
Hail and Farewell! Blessed Be!
At the Blue Candle Say:
Gabriel, Angel of the West,
I thank you for your gifts
Resurrection, Mercy and Peace.
Go if you must, Stay if you please.
Hail and Farewell! Blessed Be!
At the Red Candle Say:
Michael, Angel of the South,
I thank you for your gifts
Justice, Strength and Protection.
Go if you must. Stay if you please.
Hail and Farewell! Blessed Be!
At the Yellow Candle Say:
Raphael, Angel of the East,
I thank you for your gifts
Love, Joy and Laughter.
Go if you must. Stay if you please.
Hail and Farewell! Blessed Be!
Hold the snuffer over the White Guardian Angel Candle and
Guardian Angel,
Thank you for walking with me and
all the gifts you have brought to me.
May I always walk with you on the path of light --
Out of darkness and into
the radiance of the spirit.
Go if you must. Stay if you please.
Hail and Farewell! Blessed Be!
Extinguish White Guardian Angel Candle. It is done. Put away
any items used during ritual and make altar ready for next working.