Oak Festival
Alban Heruin - Summer Solstice
June 21
Alban Heruin marks the longest day of the year. Fires are lit
at midnight and dancing and leaping around them are customary for receiving the blessings of the Son Lugh or Jesus as
he is the King of the Light. Prayers are recited for abundance and prosperity. Offerings of flowers, feathers,
or colored stones are made to water in remembrance of healing and baptism. Beli or The All That Is and Don or Sophia
celebrate with us the adulthood of the Son and urge us to meditate on his teachings.
Pagan Deities: Beli - Don - Lugh
Colors: Green
Customs: Needfires, Fairy Hunting,
Rites of Inspiration, Picking St. John's Wort, Wild Roses and Oak Blossoms, Circle Readings
Symbols: Oak leaves/acorns/wood,
Sun Face, Leaping Flames
Sacred Foods: Fresh Vegetables, Light Breads, Cheese
Herbs: Chamomile, Chickweed, Chicory, Cinquefoil, Dogwood, Elder Flower, Fennel, Lavender,
Male Fern, Meadowsweet, Mistletoe, Mugwort, Pine, Rose, St. John's Wort, Vervain, Oak