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For this ritual, do not use the Basic Ritual at all.

At the Altar, have the following candles in place:

In the center of the Altar, place a White Candle for the Guardian Angel. Place the Archangel Candles at the four directions around the Guardian Angel Candle. On the right side of the Altar, place a White Candle for God. On the left side of the Altar, place an Astral Color Candle* for the Child. Have Holy Water in a dish on the Altar. The parents should have chosen a name for the Child. This name should be written on Parchment paper and placed in front of the Astral Candle.

Light the Guardian Angel Candle and say:

Guardian Angel, we commend this child to your constant care and we ask you to watch over him/her at all times throughout his/her whole life.

Light each of the Archangel Candles: Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, and Uriel. After lighting each candle, say the Archangels name and,

(Archangel), We commend this child to your constant care and we ask you to watch over him/her at all times throughout his/her whole life.

Light the White Candle for God and Say:

Lord, we welcome you to this circle. In this sacred space we present to you, this child who will be known among us as (child's name). We ask Your blessings on him/her now as we dedicate him/her to You. This is not to bind his/her will, or to manipulate or coerce him/her onto our chosen path, but rather it is an act of love, as we give him/her to You to watch over and protect until he/she is wise enough to choose for him/herself by what manner he/she will offer You praise.

Sprinkle some Holy Water on the child's chest and say:

In the name of our lord, Jesus, I give you the blessings of strength, perserverance and truthfulness. I bestow upon you the qualities of love, kindness, and mercy. I hope for you a loving family and friendships. I bequeath you knowledge, loyalty and a quick tongue. Blessed Be!

Sprinkle some Holy Water on the child's feet and say:

In the name of our lord, Jesus, I bless your feet that they might always walk along the straight and blessed path. Blessed Be!

Sprinkle some Holy Water on the child's stomach and say:

In the name of our lord, Jesus, I bless your creative center, that you might be fertile and fruitful in all your endeavors. Blessed Be!

Sprinkle some Holy Water on the child's head and say:

In the name of our lord, Jesus, I bless your head that it might always seek knowledge and truth so that you might grow in wisdom. Blessed Be!

Place both hands on the child and say:

Little (child's name), you are one of the Lord's children. May you be forever surrounded by our love and support, and always know that you may turn to God in time of need and in time of thanksgiving.

To the people say:

I present to you, (child's name).

It is done. Allow the people to visit with the child and his/her parents. Put out the candles and clean up the Altar when all is done.

*See ASTRAL CANDLE COLORS page for complete listing